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Kunzite are lovely heart based crystals that encourage the energy of love to fill your life. Their vibration helps you to heal emotional problems as
you release negative feelings. This stone has strong metaphysical properties that aid you to lift your mood and to help you to heal emotional problems,
such as anxiety and stress.


Kunzite is a beautiful crystal, pure in energy and joyful in nature. opening and connecting the heart to the mind and stimulating a healing communion
between the two. Kunzite encourages one to release walls built around the heart for protection and to be receptive to the experience of unconditional
and abundant love.

It is also a powerful healer of the emotional body, It allows for free expression of feelings, healing the mind and heart, and being receptive to the gifts and
opportunities life has to offer. This healing communication between mind and heart produces a powerful peace penetrating the inner core of one’s being
and is expressed as pure joy in thoughts and feelings.

Natural gemstones are created by nature, if you love them, please love it‘s tiny little small flaws created by nature as well.

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