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Crystal and Minerals

Meaning and properties of materials we use

From the depths of the Earth, gems contain an incredible amount of wisdom from the many transformations they have experienced over millions and millions of years. Understanding crystal meanings and their specific properties will enable you to harness their healing power.


Is a wonderful stone for those who are unsure of what they want, and helps to bring clarity of thought and confidence to soft spoken and timid individuals. It helps to open the throat chakra, and allow one to identify one's inner most desires and goals, while guiding one on the path to achieving them.

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Amethyst is associated with Third Eye Chakra, has healing powers to help with physical ailments, emotional issues, and in Energy Healing and Chakra balancing. Amethyst protects against psychic attack, paranormal harm or ill-wishing, and returns the energy back to the universe after being transformed into positive, loving energy.

Amethyst is by far one of the most popular crystals that people have today, many people around the world have a piece of Amethyst as a specimen, jewellery, thumb-stone, tumbled stone etc.
Emotionally, it calms and synthesises, and aids the transmission of neural signals through the brain. Amethyst enhances memory and improves motivation, its also called the "Wisdom Stone".


Believed to be the treasure of mermaids, and was used by sailors as a talisman of good luck, fearlessness and protection. It was also considered a stone of eternal youth and happiness.


Arusha crystal is a new species that combines the symbiosis of golden sun (golden strawberry) and beryl. It is named after being produced in the Arusha mining area in Tanzania. The light blue-green symbiosis sparkles as a golden sun, which has both the effect of golden sun and green Pillar energy, very beautiful


This crystal is a very rare type of amethyst that can only be found in one place in the world: Canada. Each piece contains a combination of about 2 to 7 different minerals from a list of 23. This stone is estimated to be around 2.4 Billion years old & to have come from a time when everything had melted into a solution due to heat from impacting comets. Some of the 23 different minerals that have been found in Auralite are Silver, Gold, Platinum, Hematite, Amethyst, Citrine, Quartz, Malachite & more!

Backbone Crystal

It is usually light gray, and sometimes has a black edge at the edge of the block. Its function is: it has a stronger magnetic field than ordinary crystals, which can effectively absorb negative energy into positive energy, exorcise evil and avoid evil, especially absorb disease gas, so Placed in the patient's room has an excellent effect. In addition, it is also a symbol of power and energy, which can help to master power and generate courage. And because of its color can correspond to the submarine wheel, enhance sexual ability.

Black Sun Stone

Recruit wealth, attract good luck, ward off evil spirits and protect safety, strengthen action, and be brave to accept challenges.
- Eliminate fatigue, increase physical strength, and reduce stress.
- Improve interpersonal relationships, so that everyone around you will be centered on you and value you.
- Resolve depression, bring sunshine, and make you happy and cheerful again.
- Strengthen your mental and physical abilities, and bring you logic, reasoning, rationality, organization, system, calculation, and memory skills, which is beneficial to reading, memorizing, exams, office, investment, and financial management.

Blue Kyanite

Helps one access their mind while expanding their unique psychic abilities. Your third eye and crown chakra will connect, enabling you to understand knowledge at different frequencies. The easiest way of showing off the powers of this mineral is to simply place a piece by your bedside, or even directly on your third eye before you go to sleep. As your physical body falls asleep, your mind is experiencing its own nightly journey. While you‘re asleep, your mind is constantly trying to decipher and understand the dreams and visionary details you are receiving.


Associated with the solar plexus chakra, Citrine is the "happiness crystal" that invites positive energy and light. It transforms negativity, turning pessimism into optimism, keeping your surroundings full of warmth and sunshine. But Citrine isn't all about bright, happy energy, it's also a magnet for wealth and abundance. Also known as the "success stone," Citrine is used to attract financial success in both business and personal life.


Garnet cleanses and re-energises the chakras. It revitalises, purifies and balances energy, bringing
serenity or passion as appropriate. Inspires love and devotion. Garnet balances the sex drive and
alleviates emotional disharmony. It activates and strengthens the survival instinct, bringing courage
and hope. Stimulates past-life recall. Sharpens perceptions of oneself and others. Garnet removes
inhibitions and taboos. It opens the heart and bestows self-confidence.

Green phantom

So called ”God of fortune“, has the ability to attract wealth, so it is a wonderful pet of a business man/woman.
it helps to improve thinking, open the mind,it is a representative of the accumulation of wealth due to hard work.
Strengthens heart function, smooth mood (nervousness, insomnia, anger, delusions).

Herkimer Diamonds

Are the high energy seekers of the crystal world. As perfect conduits of the universal Life Force, they are exceptional healing crystals, and are used in
meditations, dream work & advanced specialization applications. Herkimer Diamonds are the most powerful of all Quartz crystals. Being doubly terminated, they have the
ability to not only transmit their own energies, but to receive spiritual energy and to amplify and focus it intently.

Hetian jade

The function of Hetian jade has been proved by modern scientific research: Hotan jade contains trace elements which are
very beneficial to human body when it is often worn. Due to rubbing skin and massaging acupoints during wearing,
Hetian jade has an good effect on meridians, blood vessels and skin, and prevent diseases. Therefore, it is very beneficial
to use Hetian jade as a talisman.


Considered a protective stone, hypersthene helps create calmness and quietness within the mind of the wearer. According to metaphysical beliefs, hypersthene grounds us in an attempt to shield from hectic stimuli. With less outside ”noise,“ wearers of hypersthene are said to better organize thoughts and find creative solutions to problems. Hypersthene is ideal for holding during meditation. It is also believed hypersthene can enhance self-esteem without promoting ego. Crown, third eye, throat, solar plexus and base chakras are most effected by hypersthene.

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Iolite helps in recovering balance, and is recommended for those suffering from disorientation, lack of motivation,
chronic disorganization, and distraction. It strengthens the resolve to take on responsibility and carry
through, and provides self-assurance and endurance in adverse situations. It is an excellent source of energy
when used for the elimination of debt and the responsible management of money.


Kunzite are lovely heart based crystals that encourage the energy of love to fill your life. Their vibration helps you to heal emotional problems as
you release negative feelings. This stone has strong metaphysical properties that aid you to lift your mood and to help you to heal emotional problems,
such as anxiety and stress.

Lapis Lazuli

A stone of protection that may be worn to guard against psychic attacks, Lapis Lazuli quickly releases stress, bringing deep peace. It brings harmony and deep inner self-knowledge. Encourages self-awareness, allows self-expression and reveals inner truth, providing qualities of honesty, compassion and morality to the personality. Stimulates objectivity, clarity and encourages creativity. Lapis Lazuli assists to confront and speak one’s truth and inspires confidence. It bonds relationships, aiding in expression of feelings and emotions.


Supports the general health of those who live or work near the ocean or otherwise have a strong attraction or need for the ocean.
Use this stone to remind you to spend time near the salty spray of the ocean, This stone helps rebalance the thyroid and iodine levels in the body.
It is beneficial to the physical body in that it helps cool a fever, draws out inflammation and infection and helps sunburns heal quicker.

Lemon Quartz

Used in meditation, lemon quartz is believed to filter out distractions, aid concentration and open memory. It is also believed to reduce anxiety, bring in money or assistance in times of need, and decrease negativity. Advocates recommend it be used with the third eye and crown chakras.


Famous as a protective stone, Moonstone is also known as the Traveler’s stone, especially to those who travel at night. If you travel frequently,
wear this stone for safe driving. Mentally, this crystal stimulates inner vision and clarity of the mind, sharpening your focus. It is particularly helpful
in seeing emotional patterns and life lessons, and in balancing yin and yang energies.


Wearing morganite can also enhance your own charm and make the beautiful side of your heart truly appear.

・When you feel imbalance in your interpersonal relationship, or feel tension and restlessness, morganite harmonizes the energy of your heart chakra. When you accept your true self, you will gradually balance and self-confidence, regain freedom and courage, and then you can escape a state of anxiety.


Obsidian is truth-enhancing. A strongly protective stone, it forms a shield against negativity. It blocks psychic attack and absorbs negative energies from the environment. Obsidian draws out mental stress and tension. It stimulates growth on all levels, urging exploration of the unknown and opening new horizons. Brings clarity to the mind and clears confusion.


Peridot is considered to be one of the best cleansing gemstones that help to release toxins on all body levels. Wearing this crystal will help you alleviate negative feelings, jealousy, spite, hatred, bitterness, greed, and irritation. It will boost positivity and bring into your life joy, happiness, improve relations and bring new ones. Wearing this stone is considered to be very beneficial for boosting confidence, motivation, it will open your mind to new beautiful things and improve your health.


Pixiu is one of the top Chinese mythical beasts besides the dragon, dragon turtle, money frog...
Pixiu can swallow everything without letting anything out, so it is a symbol of bringing wealth from all directions. It can also drive evils away and bring in good luck. In ancient China it is also believed to be a kind of “Fierce Beast” and used as a term for brave troops.


A wonderful stone for meditation Beneficial for hormones, growth, fear, sore throats, thyroid, jaw & teeth. Worn to treat hyperactivity, promotes calmness, and intuition. Helps in hair Re-growth, ensures good eyesight.

Rabbit hair quartz

A type of Rutilated quartz with reddish hair-like inclusions. Red Rutilated Quartz brings new hope, and is said to having a sort of anti-depressant quality.
It is believed to provide relief from anxiety and stress, promoting a strong flow of positive energy throughout the body. Red Rutilated Quartz is a very energizing crystal
that boosts energy and helps prevent fatigue and lethargy.

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Rainbow Fluorite

Rainbow Fluorite has a calming energy, bringing order to a chaotic mind and facilitating clear verbalisation of ideas once muddled. Rainbow Fluorite cleanses, stabilises and protects the aura, and improves physical and mental coordination.
Rainbow Fluorite can be used in meditation to help reveal the truth of a relationship. Rainbow Fluorite can help reveal the deep causes of dis-ease, releasing suppressed feelings and facilitating life change.

Red Copper Rutilated Quartz

The red copper rutilated quartz is one of the powerful crystals in the crystal group. It is a very good crystal stone for warding off evil spirits and absorbing disease energy. It can absorb all negative energy, especially suitable for frequent night work, or going in and out of all kinds. People in places with heavy miscellaneous qi and sickness can be an effective amulet to guard against villains and right and wrong. It is more noble than ordinary crystals, and is a symbol of recruiting wealth and helping careers. The average person wearing copper hair rutilated jewelry can strengthen the momentum, bring people’s positive psychology, promote people‘s confidence and decisiveness, and bring people courage and wealth. , It has a good traction effect on people’s career and wealth.

Rose Quartz

-Releases negative energy and refills it with loving energy.
-Enhances affirmations that are repeated during meditation.
-Helps bring physical healing to all areas of the heart.
-Boosts feelings of unconditional love for yourself and others.
-Helps one overcome abuse and heartache.
-Promotes forgiveness of others and self.
-Known to increase feelings of overall happiness and joy.

Rutilated Quartz

A type of quartz with hair line inclusions. Rutiles can come in several distinct colors such as silver, blue, green, black, golden, red and etc. and each have their own biggest strength. Golden rutiled quartz strongest power is that it can bring wealth and major breakthrough in career luck.

Smoky Quartz

It is believed that Smokey Quartz disperses fear, lifts depression and negativity. It brings emotional calmness, relieving stress and anxiety.
Use them to relieve tension and stress, anxiety, or panic attacks; also to ward off negative thinking, and to eliminate worry and doubt when faced with chaos or confusion. To absorb misfortune, sorrow or seemingly impossible obstacles, hold faceted or natural points of Smoky Quartz in each hand pointed down toward the ground, then consciously release these negative energies to Mother Earth for cleansing and repurposing.
Smokey Quartz is an excellent stone for removing negativity and negative energy of any kind and transforming them into positive energy. ... In addition, smoky quartz is a stone that brings abundance, prosperity, and good luck.

Strawberry Quartz

Strawberry Quartz is an excellent crystal to help you in your journeying or meditation. It will be a perfect addition to a healing grid or a healing layout. Strawberry Quartz is a potent aid that will boost your physical energy. It will radiate the energy that you need to overcome your exhaustion and lethargy.


Sunstone invites you to be open, warm, and kind, and the willingness to give joy and happiness to others. Also known as goldstone or aventurine feldspar,
this crystal increases vitality and enthusiasm and if beneficial is you require high energy throughout the day.

Super Seven

Super Seven is a potent healing ally—bringing you protection, release of negative emotions and past patterns, and purification of our soul, allowing you to reach a place of clarity, focus, creativity, and positivity.

This stone is a combination of seven different crystals, therefore carries the properties of all seven crystals as one. It is for the same reason that it is one of the most powerful stone available for healing purposes. Super Seven retains its own energy in abundance and never requires cleansing or energizing.


Is a symbol of serenity and purity. It signifies wisdom gathered in tranquility. It increases love and nurturing. A protective stone, topaz keeps the wearer from harm and brings harmony. Topaz attracts good luck and friendship. It stabilises the personality and promotes self-sufficiency. Soothes the mind, releasing negative thoughts. Stimulates ideas. A “dream stone”, topaz brings insightful dreams. It aids emotional release, especially of irritability. topaz encourages you to become who you really are. topaz aids the body’s filtration and elimination organs.


Releases tension, which makes it helpful in spinal adjustments. It balances yin and yang in the body and enhances energy flow, making it a stone for removing blockages. Natural tourmaline is useful for healing, hold it over the chakras of the body to clear, the aura, remove blockages, disperse negative energy and they will point to specific problems that then can be addressed. This stone is excellent for opening the chakras and connecting them together. Tourmaline helps you understand yourself and others. It can promote self-confidence and lessens fear. Tourmaline attracts inspiration, compassion tolerance and prosperity.


Turquoise is considered the stone of evolution, bringing about great change and transformation in life. This gorgeous stone opens up your mind to the possibility of all things new and unknown. It helps us to accept the need for change and gives us the strength to pursue it with confidence.

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